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Does Gold Star Milk Make Better Cheese Stardew

  1. I've got a question for all you number crunchers out there. I could figure this out myself but one of you probably already has this info written down somewhere. SO here's what I'm trying to figure out.

    Before 1.1, we got either large or small eggs/milk from our animals. This translated easily into either regular quality mayo/cheese or gold star. Nice and simple.

    Well, now in addition to having two sizes of product, we've got star quality levels. Silver, gold, iridium...

    How does the star quality of the raw product affect the selling price of the artisan good you make from it? Say for example you use a large, iridium star milk - but you only get a gold star cheese. According to the wiki's numbers (without rancher perks or anything) you'd be losing 80g every time you did this.

    So is it better to just sell the iridium quality milk as-is, vs. turning it into cheese? Does it work this way for eggs as well? I'm not seeing anything about iridium star mayo or cheese over on the wiki, so do these products not exist? Or are they just not documented over there yet?

    Just to save someone some time, I'm not interested in whatever perks you get for having Rancher or Artisan professions etc. I just want the raw data for the basic products so I know if I should be selling the stuff with purple stars as is or continue turning it into artisan goods. If you've got a chart handy somewhere I'll happily take a look at that so you don't have to type it all out. Thanks!

    EDIT: I realize you can make iridium star quality cheese by using the casks, but I don't have the cellar yet so that option is a long way off for me.

    • As it stands right now, the quality of mayonnaise and cheeses are only dependent on the size of egg and milk used to make them. Iridium quality milk turns into gold cheese, etc. Rancher has been changed to allow the 20% bonus to apply to the finished animal products as well as the raw products which is good but there are no silver or iridium quality mayo's or anything but gold or normal cheeses out of the machines. I don't have a chart worked up, but there are no cases I've come across where eggs are more valuable than mayo's. Milks are a different story, but again only if you have Rancher. With Rancher the sale price of a Large Iridium Milk is 456g vs Iridium Cheese (aged 7 days) at 480g.

      TL;DR: Unless you're a Rancher it makes no difference. If you are a Rancher any wool gold and up is best sold raw and any iridium quality milk is best sold raw.

      • I do think that I at one point turned a gold quality large egg into gold quality mayonnaise, which you of course get when you put in a regular large egg. I have yet to try it out with an iridium quality large egg, but so far, you might aswell put any eggs you get (if you're not planning to use them) into mayonnaise makers.
        • So far I've just been blindly tossing everything the animals produce into the machines because that's what I'm used to, but I managed to get an iridium quality egg and it got me curious about what I'd get from it. I suppose I'll just keep an eye on the selling prices of everything (I think I do have the Rancher profession since I'm doing a chicken ranch for this farm), particularly the mayo since I haven't seen if you can get anything higher than gold quality on that. I'll toss that purple star egg in and see what comes out.
          • For the curious aging a gold cheese made from an Iridium large milk makes an extra 3.5 gold a day with Rancher. A small Iridium Milk sells for 300g vs a 220g regular cheese. Aging it into a 480g cheese nets you an extra 12.8g a day. Wheeee!

            Edit: An iridium large egg with Rancher is 228g while a gold mayo is 342g. I don't want to say you'll get a guaranteed gold mayo but I don't believe iridium mayo is in the game.

            • Goat cheese appears to be another area where Rancher is completely different than Artisan. A small Goat Milk of iridium quality at 540g gets turned int a Goat Cheese worth 450g. Aging it into an iridium Goat Cheese for 900g profits only 25g a day for the use of a cask. A large Goat Milk at 828g turns into a 674g gold Goat Cheese which can be aged into iridium Goat Cheese for an additional profit of 10g a day.

              I'd say that it's better for a Rancher to age wine made out of the greenhouse than age cheese. Even a nornal Large Goat milk yields only an extra 69g a day from the use of a cask.

              Edit: I'm going to have to put together a list of items to sell or turn into Artisan Goods for Rancher, there's some funkiness going on there.

              • A chart like that would be super helpful, that's kind of what I was hoping someone had so I could just glance at the numbers for each item rather than having to sell each thing one by one and see what I get. lol
                • I could use a pet project. I already built a 6th barn to play with the pregnancy mechanics, what's a coop and a dozen more animals? :) Just the Rancher sale prices alone need verified to be honest.
                  • Can confirm - turned a large iridium star milk into gold cheese. I've got the Rancher profession.

                    Base price of Iridium large milk without Rancher is 380g, with Rancher it's 456g.

                    Base price of gold star cheese is 300g without Artisan, with Artisan it's 420g.

                    So if you've taken Rancher as your Farming profession, you'll want to sell the milk outright.
                    If you've taken Artisan, it's worth it to process it into cheese.

                    This is not factoring in aging the cheese to bring it up to iridium quality - I haven't reached that yet in my game so I'm not looking at those numbers just yet. But if I've gotten everything correct here this might be helpful to someone else who's not using casks yet.

                      MrToni300 and nevyn21 like this.
                    • What about void mayo vs iridium egg?
                      • Well... ill go normal/silver/gold/irdium

                        Milk: 125/156/187/250 with rancher: 150/187/225/300

                        i.e. turning normal milk of gold or iridium quality into cheese isn't worth it unless you plan to age it, else you'll actually loose money

                        L. Milk: 190/237/285/380 rancher: 228/285/342/456

                        i.e. turning Large Milk into Cheese isn't worth it if: Its iridium w/o rancher or artisan, or gold/iridium with rancher - if you got artisan its always worth making cheese even if you don't plan aging it

                        If Rancher affects the cheese price it'll be:

                        w/o rancher: 200/250/300/400 w/ rancher: 240/300/360/480

                        i.e. that S.Milk is worth more if made in cheese if it's normal or silver, and worth more selling if gold/iridium
                        L Milk isnt worth selling if its iridium, unless you want to age it up to iridium

                        Next one: Void Eggs

                        w/o rancher: 65/81/97/130 w/ rancher: 78/97/117/156

                        Void Mayo: 275 w/o rancher, if affected by rancher 330g i.e. no matter the egg quality, it is ALWAYS better to make mayo

                        I'll finish this later, dinner just arrived ^o^

                        • I don't have any void chickens yet so I can't test those numbers for you Chaos, but I'm sure there's probably someone here who can. I'm still only in year 1 on my farm so I don't have a whole lot to work with yet. lol
                          • atm its a big mess with rancher tbh... selling milk and getting a better price then cheese made out of it is really making my head spin x.x
                            • How do you get silver quality mayonnaise? I see it has sell prices on the wiki but near as I can tell you will only get either regular quality or gold quality depending on the size of the egg. Am I missing something?

                              I have the rest of the numbers worked out for eggs (chicken only) and milk (cow only). And yeah, unless you took the Artisan profession you'll definitely want to sell any gold or iridium quality milk outright, unless you plan to age the cheese afterward. (And I'm sure even with that there's some weird numbers but I haven't looked into it.) It would appear, however, that eggs, no matter what quality, are best put into the mayo machines regardless of which profession you chose.

                                Attached Files:

                                • IMG_7615.JPG
                                MrToni300 and nevyn21 like this.
                              • You can't get silver quality mayo. Sadly I can't easily remove it from the wiki because that would require changing the infobox:template which is a total clusterfuck.

                                Also need to change infobox to be able to accept multiple professions but again... that thing is a total pain.

                                • I have a few, just was curious if anyone knew off the top their heads. Not a huge deal just curious. :3
                                  • I just glanced at the wiki real quick and it looks like as far as void eggs and mayo go, it's always more profitable to make mayo vs. selling the egg, no matter what star quality the egg has.
                                    • Thanks friend. I thought so but wanted to check.
                                      Of course the best use at first is Krobus and Seb, if you need to friend them still.
                                      • By the way, love hand written chart. Research like that in these games is really cool, and feels good when you can have a set of rules you figured out yourself for how to gain money!
                                        • lol Thanks. I needed to physically write the numbers down to understand how they all work - I basically figured out the exact same thing everyone had already explained in other posts but it wasn't sinking in until I made the chart myself. Pretty much all my Stardew notes are hand-written.

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                                          Does Gold Star Milk Make Better Cheese Stardew
